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Salesforce Implementation – Top 5 Challenges

By |2020-07-16T06:26:37+00:00June 26th, 2015|

Salesforce Implementation can be transformational for the organization it can change the entire way an organization operates today to how it would work in the future.

In my post here today I would try to enlist the major challenges shared by organizations who approached us for Salesforce Implementation, adopt, transform, and make changes, to the Salesforce and we turned them into happy Salesforce Organization.

salesforce implementation challenges

Top 5 challenges of Salesforce Implementation

Challenge #1: What we were getting into in terms of time, budget, or complexity.

It appears to be out that one of the key stumbling blocks for many in adopting Salesforce positively is that they don’t have an idea -to come in with the right expectations of the type of investment-Time, Money & Resources -it will require to be successful Salesforce implementation.

Challenge #2: How or Where to start?

The other main challenge for organizations during the early period for salesforce implementation was, determining How, where to start. Okay, they all said Salesforce is good, you must go for it- Now I have it, but how do I start.”
That’s where organizations get hung up with Salesforce Implementation, the process gets suspended, and everything is in Pause mode and further, a vague idea, ballpark estimation, hit and try, little know-how, DIY spoil the taste.

Challenge #3: Data migration and Integration

In Salesforce – data migration, integration, and maintenance are a few of the most significant challenges that organizations face, both when they are first starting out on Salesforce implementation and throughout their usage.
All my Customer data & record are in our old system, can I bring all my data to Salesforce-How?
Can I integrate my Outlook Contacts with Salesforce?
Will I be able to integrate my billing, accounting software with the Salesforce?

Challenge #4: Salesforce Training or Salesforce adoption for staff or leadership

Staff adoption shows up as one of the most significant challenges across all types of organizations. In a typical case, the staff sees Salesforce as an additional activity from what they do this additional chore for entering data. At the early stage, they may not see this enabler for making their work simpler and easier ahead.
Even if you have technically implemented the salesforce successfully, staff may not know how to use it even if they want to.

Challenge#5: Go Mobile-Leveraging Salesforce1

If everything is going Mobile, so is your business and Salesforce. Will your present Salesforce work on Salesforce1 for Mobility? NO. Thanks to Salesforce1 one can aspire, build enterprise-level apps, which is definitely beyond basic salesforce integration that you aim to. This new feature to add on would require a salesforce service partner who can design and implement this for you, a salesforce service partner who does not restrict to plain vanilla, old school work and basic APIs. You need people with application development capabilities and expertise to help you lead ahead.

Well, these are some of the challenges that you might be facing or headed towards as you think Salesforce Implementation – But the good news is, for the most part, they are preventable and appears to be a smooth task if you are selecting the right Salesforce Implementation Partner. If you can read the trends, going global it is for your salesforce implementation, create a mix of Salesforce offshore development & Onsite to for a good cost-effective solution.

That’s where you need to call an expert, like Picasso of Painting who can guide you to create a masterpiece for your business with Salesforce. A salesforce service partner who understands you and your business large or small, one you can trust your business process with, respects your data integrity & security, delivers on time and loves your customer as you do – Mirketa Inc.

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