
Arm Yourself with Our Comprehensive Financial Planning Application

Feature Rich Tool | Scenario Based Simulations | Real Time Live Data Updation

Know your Finances

Finacast is an awesome tool built to make your to keep your financial health up to the mark. While one is occupied with their busy life,one often overlooks to keep financial forecast for the stages ahead in your life. It forecasts your future, makes a family budget so youreach your goals, gives you advice on financial matters and connects you with Financial Advisor so you have access to professional advice and keeps you updated on your overall financial health through smart Reports.

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Solve the mystery of your financial future.

Future is always said to be mysterious, but now with Finacast, you can at least solve the mystery of your finances by preparing now with Finacast.In a few simple steps, you get a financial forecast of your overall net worth, goals, debts, and your ability to meet your budget, goals, and debt commitments. You can simulate life under different scenarios to see how your life will change if you got a raise, had another baby, took your dream vacation, etc. Best of all, you can save as many scenarios as you want.

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Test your plan before committing to it.

Forecast finance Finacast makes planning a breeze and allows you to test them with various combinations of your life event and expenses related to the same. As you create a budget, you can view the impacts of your budget on your overall financial health, goals, long term net worth, and your ability to pay debts. When setting up new goals, Finacast will let you know if you can meet them or not.

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Advice that helps you make better decisions.

Financial Forecasting You need an advisor who is available 24×7 at your click, when you think, push in those ballpark estimates for a new goal in life. Whether it’s about making an investment, transferring balance on a new credit card, buying a car or anything else, know what you’re getting into before you make a decision. Finacast advises you so you can meet your goals. It also advises you on whether you can afford something that you want now. If waiting might be a more responsible choice, Finacast helps you analyze a good time to buy. For your planning needs, that require a professional voice of reason, you can pick one of our pre-screened certified financial planners. Not only you get to collaborate with your planner through our platform, you
also, save money on fees as our pre-negotiated are much lower than the market rate.

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Current, comprehensive, and useful.

Mirketa Finacast Dashboard It’s live and updated real-time. No more need flipping between spreadsheets and accounts. We take the pain out of book-keeping by getting your account information directly from your banks securely. We break down your account data into insights that help you understand the overall financial health and track your budget, credit cards, and goals. Our analysis is modeled on how you (and not a computer) think about money. Everything is displayed with intuitive graphs and we send you alerts to keep you informed on as things change.

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Smart way to manage your finances.

Contact us to schedule a FREE demo to explore the features of Finacast and plan your future.
