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Salesforce Einstein AI

By |2020-06-25T07:35:53+00:00September 5th, 2019|

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is probably the most recent technology on the planet – An innovation that learns by itself. Artificial intelligence is growing through all parts of our lives, whether that be artificial hearing or the voice-controlled Siri and Alexa. Self-driving vehicles are an example as well– with the abilities to prescient.
Einstein is AI for Salesforce and the Salesforce engineers are very eager to gain expertise on the most proficient method to use technology like Einstein AI. It resembles a black box – too hard to even consider opening. So first we will focus on “What is Einstein AI?” and “What isn’t a part of Einstein AI?”.

“What is Salesforce Einstein?” and What isn’t the segment of Salesforce Einstein?”

Salesforce has developed Einstein as the AI for CRM. It is not a universal AI tool. It provides insights into CRM users. It is applicable in the CRM and on the information present inside it. This information can be of any structure like a coordinated ERP or unified data. Einstein salesforce acts as a savvy Assistant yet it is not similar to anything like IBM Watson. It empowers the client for better judgment and helps in taking the right decision at the right time.

We additionally need to make a note of the following:

  1. Einstein salesforce is not at all plug and plays in nature.
  2. Its components must be trained with information so as empower its model to deliver precise outcomes.
  3. Einstein AI salesforce is both a product and a platform.

Why Salesforce AI has decided to come up with Einstein?

Salesforce did try to build the world’s smartest CRM and this is possible only because Einstein AI salesforce embeds the most recent innovations like machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing as well as salesforce predictive tools and smart data discovery.
Additionally, Salesforce Einstein is based on a model that can be customized for every customer and it learns from it.
But, we need to understand how Einstein technologies are unique in relation to other AI-based items. Let’s dive into “What makes Einstein technologies different?”

What makes Einstein AI different?

As we have already informed you that Salesforce is based on deep salesforce machine learning and predictive analytics. Both these require a huge amount of data sets so as to provide you with the right kind of insights and the wide customer base of salesforce definitely helps in that. Moving away from Einstein ai salesforce is like losing out on the greatest opportunity to leverage AI.

Einstein comes with a deck of features. Let’s deep dive into them-

salesforce einstein

Einstein Features

Einstein has a bucket full of features which can be classified as :

  1. Out-of-the-box apps
  2. Point-and-click solution
  3. Programmatic Services

Out-of-the-box apps

These are apps that exist for each and every type of Salesforce Cloud ( Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Community Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Commerce Cloud). These are pre-built solutions – to be turned on by the Salesforce admin – in the Org.

Point-and-click Solution

This is a solution that is fully configurable by the System admin but as a prerequisite requires some model creation and training. It incorporates Prediction Builder and through this, we need to find answers on “What is the likelihood that this case needs to be escalated?”.

Programmatic Services

In the programmatic services, are those that can be termed as super geeky in nature. This is where the neural network products and deep learning come into play. However, this includes the unstructured data – that comes in the form of voice, image, and languages. It is because of this unstructured data that we need to have model training – through the API. It has an interesting use case here – as it is possible to train Einstein to identify products placed on a shelf – along with an image of the same product.

Why go with Salesforce Einstein?salesforce machine learning

  1. It automates a task that generally takes a lot of time. This leaves the end clients with ample time for other tasks or preparations.
  2. It offers to track the prospects with automation features like prescient lead scoring. This will help convert the lead into a client – with prioritization of schedule.
  3. Einstein allows the client to anticipate the outcome of the interaction with the customer – even before the business call is made.

Salesforce Einstein Language

To unlock the powerful insights within the text, Salesforce AI has provided Einstein Language which includes two APIs:

Einstein AI Sentiment:

Helps in the classification of text sentiments into positive, negative, and neutral classes to understand the meaning behind them. Einstein Salesforce Sentiment API can be used to analyze emails, social media, and text from chat to :

  1. Identification of sentiment of a prospect’s email to trend a lead or opportunity up or down.
  2. Identification of dissatisfied clients to extend proactive services to them first.
  3. Easy identification of the measure of overall customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a particular product.

Einstein AI Intent:

Categorization of unstructured text into user-defined labels to understand what users exactly want. One can analyze text form emails, chats, or web forms to :

  1. Determine what prospects are interested in and to send inquiries to the appropriate sales representative.
  2. Summarize the unstructured text.
  3. Understand customer posts to provide personalized self-service communities.


  1. Abinash Srichandan April 4, 2020 at 5:35 pm - Reply

    Nice article.
    Really helpful…

    • Mirketa Inc August 12, 2020 at 9:23 am - Reply


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