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Introduction to Atlassian Connect

By |2020-07-17T10:45:30+00:00December 4th, 2015|Tags: , , |

What is Atlassian Connect Framework?

Atlassian Connect framework is used to develop add-ons for Atlassian applications like Jira and Confluence.
Atlassian Connect add-ons are web applications. They operate remotely over HTTP and can be written in any programming language.

atlassian connect
How does Atlassian Connect Framework work?

atlassian connect framework

To an end-user, your add-on should appear as a fully integrated part of the Atlassian application. Once your add-on is registered with the application, features are delivered from the UI and workflows of the host application. This deep level of integration is part of what makes Atlassian Connect add-ons so powerful. (This content and diagram have been taken from the Atlassian Connect Documentation Guide: –

Here, I am going to introduce you to the Atlassian Connect add-ons development.

How to create your first add-on for Jira On Demand?

For developing your first add-on you need to install the Node.js, SDK and ACE (Atlassian Connect Express) toolkit.
For developing your first add-on you need to create your developing environment which is also called your local environment, where you will perform your add-on development.

There could be three environments for your Add-on:-

1- Local Environment
2- Test Environment
3- Production Environment

Configuring Development Environment

Local (Development) Environment Setup

1- For Jira On Demand we first need SDK in our machine. After setting up the SDK check atlas-version for your
confirmation by typing Atlassian-version command on CMD.
2- Now download and install Node.js by clicking on the link
3- Open CMD & Install ACE by using this command npm install -g atlas-connect
4- Create your ACE project by using the given command
Atlas-connect new project name
5. Change directory by typing cd project name
6- Install all dependencies for your project by typing npm install command on cmd in your project directory.
Note: – You can add or install node modules by using npm install node module name command.
7- Change your port to 8000 for your npm server in config.json.
8- As well as you can do all configuration in your config.json. For example: – you can change your port, and other
required URL according to your requirement.
9- Start your Jira On Demand instance by using the given command
atlas-run-standalone –product Jira –version 7.0.0-OD-04-018 –bundled-plugins com.atlassian.bundles:json-schema-validator-atlassian-bundle:1.0.4,com.atlassian.webhooks:atlassian-webhooks-plugin:2.0.0,com.atlassian.jwt:jwt-plugin:1.2.2,com.atlassian.upm:atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin:2.19.4-D20150819T002936,com.atlassian.plugins:atlassian-connect-plugin:1.1.48 –jvmargs -Datlassian.upm.on.demand=true
After which you can access your Jira in cloud mode by going to this URL:-
Now you can login in to Jira Cloud by using these credentials.
10- Start your local server by using the command node app.js
11- You can confirm your files by visiting this kind of a URL :http://localhost:8000/atlassian-connect.jso
12- For uploading(manually) the add-on on your local environment use the following process:
Go to Add-ons (right-hand side of your Jira and click on * icon) and select Manage add-ons.
Now click on upload add-on and type the given URL for uploading your add-on on your local environment if you
want to upload it(add-on) manually, otherwise, it will automatically upload in your local environment.
Example of Add-on URL for Uploading in your local environment

– Add-on Description
Your Add-on directory structure will be like this:atlassian connect

Note: – If you are familiar with Atlassian-plugin.xml, you will understand the concept of Atlassian-connect.json.

Atlassian-connect.json:-The add-on descriptor is a JSON file (Atlassian-connect.json) that describes the add-on to the Atlassian application. The descriptor includes general information about the add-on, as well as the modules that the add-on wants to use or extend.

Note: – For more details about Atlassian Connect framework you can visit here:
Install your plugin on your cloud instance (Testing environment)

Three steps for Add On upload

1- Cloud instance (Testing Environment)
First, we need a testing environment where we upload our plugin from marketplace from the given link

You can create your testing environment.
For example, you can create your own testing environment for Jira On Demand cloud instance.
Username: –
Password: – 123@example

2.Https Server for add-on
After which you have to create an https server for your atlassian-connect.json (for ssl certificate)
So your JSON URL should be:-
https://a baseurl/atlassian-connect.json
Same as local server

3. Marketplace account
For uploading your add-on on your testing environment you have to register/upload your add-on at
Marketplace, so first create your marketplace account by visiting the given url:-
You can create your own marketplace account by using the given URL.
You can set your marketplace account setting and other settings for your add-on by visiting the given link:-

Example of your Add On marketplace URL:-

Your Add -on URL should be like this:-
After uploading your Add-on in marketplace, now you can upload your Add-on in your Testing or Production environment by putting the marketplace URL of your Add-On (shown above)

Note: – By using the given link you can install your Add-on on your cloud environment.

How to upload your Add-on on your cloud environment
GO to Add-on and select Manage Add-ons.
Now click on Settings and select Enable Private Listings.
Now you will get the upload add-on option so now you can upload your Add On by putting marketplace URL of your Add-on.

Note: – After finishing your add-on testing now you will be able to upload your add-on at your production environment.

Anil Singh

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