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How does Salesforce Einstein help to transform the business industry?

By |2021-01-20T10:02:02+00:00November 15th, 2019|

Salesforce Einstein is the world’s smartest CRM platform that helps you to grow your business in a more effective and efficient way. Salesforce Einstein is the artificial intelligence technology that has been developed for the Salesforce customer success platform. It delivers the right recommendations to customers and employees to ensure that the business processes run smoothly.

The purpose of Salesforce Einstein is to solve the problems of customers across sales, marketing, and, IT services. Anyone in organizations can use Salesforce Einstein for analyzing their data, predicting, and planning their future course of business. The managers can also use this to automate their tasks as well as decision making.

Salesforce Einstein has the capabilities to transform the business industry. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Opportunity Conversion Score
  2. Account Churn
  3. Vision Image Classification
  4. Revenue Forecasting
  5. Retention Forecasting
  6. Opportunity vs. Manpower Forecasting
  7. GAP analysis
  8. Integration through multiple systems including AWS

1. Opportunity Conversion Score:

The most crucial factor in any business is opportunity conversion. Each opportunity that comes your way may not entirely turn into a business. This not only tends to deviate your actual targets but also provide minimal prediction capability of quality opportunities. With Salesforce Einstein, it provides opportunity conversion score for each opportunity listed.

The score generally is a numeric value ranging from 1 to 99. These opportunity scores will be listed on opportunity records and list views. These scores can be used differently further to analyze the actual prediction to finalize lead opportunities that will be of importance converting into a real business.

The opportunity scores are not just numbers, but it’s a tracking history based on the records and related activities of a specific account associated opportunities. This score will be calculated, keeping in mind the win rates of an account with details of the factors that contributed both positively and negatively for the score.

einstein forecasting

2. Account Churn

Quality CRM like Salesforce, which maintains all your customer data in one place, provides a statistical approach on the way you look at customer data. It is the percentage of customers who registered to avail of your services at the beginning but now opted out of your services due to some issues for bettor vendor for assistance. Churn rate will provide a percentage factor of difference between the number of customers at the beginning and the number of customers left.

Salesforce Einstein also includes information on inactive customers so that you can further take steps to re-engage with those customers and hence reducing the account churn rate.

einstein forecasting

3. Vision Image Classification

Salesforce Einstein Vision Image classification provides the capability to use the power of AI to recognize and classify the images. Identification and processing the information related to images will not only help understand customers’ preferences but also help to know about specific inventory levels, and quality of products.

One can provide information to customers by visual representation, that details about the preferences of products they are going to select while allowing customers to take photos and get details about where exactly they can purchase those products online or in-store.


4. Revenue Forecasting

Revenue is the most critical factor for any business. Salesforce Einstein introduces revenue/sales forecasting with self-algorithms and analyzes the company’s sales data to generate reports of predicting. These reports are accurate and predict the forecasting results at ease.

Forecasting is fully automated and uses the company’s historical data on CRM, which in turn applies self-algorithms to generate results that are very accurate enough to forecast revenue. Einstein forecasting does these forecasting combining the power of data mining and the science of machine learning. Salesforce Einstein also uses logic that translates the data behind the forecast results into the human language, which makes it easier for the salesperson to interpret.

5. Retention Forecasting

As we discussed in account churn, customers who opt-out of your company services can be retained by the optimal forecast on the services you have offered to them. Salesforce Einstein provides a systemic approach to find in-active customers and lets us offer them ample opportunities to retain and re-engage them.

6. Opportunity vs. Manpower Forecasting

When we talk about opportunities, it is nothing but a building block for your pipelines. The opportunities will help your forecast and hence provide a steady picture of the pipes. Predictions help us to predict and plan the current opportunities, opportunities that can be approached. Forecast also predicts the close deals from the pipelines.

Manpower forecasting also helps in providing a systematic approach to the rate of manpower that would be required for your business to meet the business lines concerning the opportunity forecasting.

7. GAP analysis

Salesforce Einstein provides an approach that can be used for businesses to leverage business opportunities or leads into actual sales. Through GAP analysis in Salesforce, one can easily identify the areas that need action, thereby separating the opportunities or transactions that require immediate attention.

8. Integration through multiple systems including AWS

With growing competition and the business needs, the integration is made possible from Salesforce Einstein to various systems outside, including AWS. With this effort termed as an essential need, businesses can now use the integration through multiple systems or channels



  1. kavya July 16, 2020 at 4:30 pm - Reply

    Thank you for such useful insights.

    • Mirketa Inc August 12, 2020 at 9:07 am - Reply

      Thanks, Kavya

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