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10 ways in which Salesforce Education Cloud can improve your enrolment numbers

By |2021-09-20T09:59:26+00:00August 31st, 2021|

Is your educational institution looking for a partner to help you curb you admission woes? Does your admissions team need a little help to find the right fit and help retain them?

It’s not a huge task to invite applications for your college but to convert the perfect full class and retain the students is what makes the admin burn the midnight oil. Let’s first look at the variety of problems.

During our college days, we must have had friends who apply for multiple colleges, and then on having been eligible for admission, they choose their favorite college, or they enroll in one college and wait for their preferred college’s shortlist. These phenomena are less but seen in schools too. More often than not the students themselves are clueless about what they want and what would be the right path for them. How about we create a solution that is a win-win for both your institution and the student?

That’s where Salesforce Education Cloud comes in. The enrolments can be well-managed through the solutions brought to us by Salesforce for Education. Here, the leads can be tracked and converted using different strategies to find the right fit for the right institution. An educational organization needs to manage a plethora of administrative jobs which can be controlled through one single source of truth, your Salesforce CRM. It creates the outline for the educational organizations and provides an all-around solution set for recruitments, admissions, student experiences, etc. Now we will look into the details of the various core services provided by Salesforce Education Cloud.

Salesforce Education Cloud

1. Real-time Notifications- Once an application is received, Salesforce education CRM and student information systems can manage the decisions (SIS). How about integrating your SIS system so that you may update students in real-time about the status of their application and let them know if their application has been accepted or rejected?

2. Building a sense of Community- Using Salesforce communities, students may get a customized experience based on where they are in the application lifecycle, engage with peers on common interests, and get answers to their queries promptly.

3. Make their choices count- Show students programmes of interest based on their current major and history data and let them select the best programme for them. This can assist avoid the unpleasant process of a student being rejected for a programme that isn’t a good fit for them.

4. Advising them towards a brighter future- To make it easier for students to schedule appointments with advisers, consider adopting SAL (Salesforce Advisor Link). To create an exceptional student experience, institutions might set up several sorts of appointments for students, such as walk-ins, advising pools, career counselling, and more.

5. Leveraging Social Media- Consider utilising Social Studio to examine the social media discussions that kids are having about your school. Real-life dialogues regarding what kids are saying may teach you a lot!

6. Knowledge Articles– Assist pupils in locating what they require using the Salesforce knowledge artciles. Create knowledge articles for students on their communities, where they can log in and find the answers they need, even at 3:00 a.m. on the final’s week. This can help you decrease the amount of time and resources you spend on IT support!

7. Target them with their favourite Companies- Salesforce for Higher Education and schools may automatically inform students with marketing emails or SMS about new jobs or internships offered for that firm once they pick their top three preferred companies.

8. Get them engaged- What is college life without the fun events, activities, fairs, and workshops? To increase involvement, post these events to Chatter groups in student communities. Let them know what the buzz is about even before they join you.

9. Scaling up- Leverage the power of Salesforce Education CRM to get to your desired numbers. Process more applications, reach more students, and get to your target number. Without a doubt you would enrolling your largest class ever every year!

10. Having the perfect assistant for your dedicated staff- Salesforce for Higher Education and Schools would act as the perfect assistant towards your admissions staff and help them save time to focus more on nurturing relationships with incoming students enabling you to maintain the humane side of all of it.

Education Cloud Enablers- EDA, Sales Cloud, Pardot, Community Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Einstein Analytics, Advisor Link, Service Cloud.

Einstein AI’s predictive analytics has been used by Arizona State University to dig into the data it collects. The institution was able to discover signs that a student could benefit from some extra help by analysing how students engage – or don’t interact – with specific resources, and using Salesforce campaigns, ensuring the relevant professional gets out to the student. ASU may adopt a unique proactive approach to student success by identifying and acting on key retention factors, which has contributed to a 1.3 percentage point improvement in first-year retention this year.

Medina from Florida International University credits customization and the ease of use of Salesforce CRM. “Salesforce gives access to do things that, in other systems, require the technical folks to get involved,” she says. “That’s just amazing.” Raecke mentions “Salesforce understands our business. Education is very different than just any other business, so it’s nice to work with a company that understands where we’re coming from.”
Columbia’s accounting department saves time and money by using an app built on App cloud to monitor billing and allow students to pay online. Students can access prior payments and outstanding bills by logging in. Individuals or businesses can apply to the school online and quickly submit information about their human resources and employment history.

Grainger from Georgetown says, “By using the Hoya360 platform, students can make sure their coursework is progressing properly toward their degree,”. “In one application online, they can access what they need to know.”

The best universities in the world are using the power of Salesforce for higher education. What’s stopping you from becoming the best?

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