Tech Booster Oct’222023-07-13T09:42:08+00:00

Query Org ID and Sandbox using SOQL

Contributor: Hima Bindu

You can get your salesforce Org ID and other info from Company Information in the Setup menu. But if you need to get the data from SOQL

SELECT Id, Name, InstanceName, DefaultLocaleSidKey, TimeZoneSidKey FROM Organization
SELECT Id, SandboxName, Description, LicenseType, HistoryDays FROM SandboxInfo

The Id returned here is SandboxInfo ID, not the Org ID and unfortunately, we can’t get the Org ID.

Mirketa Inc.

You will get the same result if perform query with Rest Explorer from Workbench
GET /services/data/v53.0/tooling/query/?q=+Select+Id,SandboxName,LicenseType,Description+from+SandboxInfo

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One of the top 5 dangerous airports. Identify the name of this airport

Mirketa Inc.

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Answer: NA

Subscription Management API

Contributor: Shiwali Nagre

Salesforce empowers the business who uses self-service-channel by providing Subscription Management API. This API will help the automation of billing, invoicing, and collecting payments for subscribed items/products and one-time sales. The Salesforce Clients who use the Einstein AI they can use this API for calculating Risk of late payments and increase in revenue

Mirketa Inc.

Some more use cases:

1. Price Adjustments and Calculating Prices
2. For all Service Channels with ‘Buy Now’ (checkout)
3. Cancellation and Renewing of Subscription
4. Payment and Billing Process

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Who is sitting next to Gandhi?

Mirketa Inc.

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One of the top 5 dangerous airports. Identify the name of this airport

Mirketa Inc.

Answer: NA


Contributor: Jothilaxmi

Path is a fantastic way to add a visual process to any object – including Accounts! And, Path has its own section in Salesforce Setup for creating and managing Paths for your org.

Mirketa Inc.

While the Lightning Record Page allows you to determine where Path should reside on the page, Path itself is driven based on your configuration and works. It’s record type driven and is typically created based off of a Status or similar type field.

As you begin to build a Path for every object and potentially every record type, you’ll soon find that managing changes isn’t necessarily challenging, but is additional overhead. You could easily end up with 20, 30, or 40 different Paths depending on record type counts and how extensivley you use them.

The saving grace is that Path does not change that frequency once it’s been set.

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Connect these:

Mirketa Inc.

Answer to Previous Question

Who is sitting next to Gandhi?

Mirketa Inc.

Answer: Charlie Chaplin

Use ApexClass to compile a class with string dynamically

Contributor: Ankit

You might have created classes upfront. How do you create the class in runtime? Here is the illustration.

You can think thro’ when do we create such dynamic class.

String classBody = “public class Messages {\n”
+ “public string SayHello() {\n”
+ ” return ‘Hello’;\n” + “}\n”
+ “}”;

// create an ApexClass object and set the body
ApexClass apexClass = new ApexClass();
apexClass.Body = classBody;
ApexClass[] classes = { apexClass };

// call create() to add the class
SaveResult[] saveResults = sforce.create(classes);
for (int i = 0; i < saveResults.Length; i++) { if (saveResults[i].success) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully created Class: " + saveResults[i].id); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error: could not create Class "); Console.WriteLine(" The error reported was: " + saveResults[i].errors[0].message + "\n"); } }

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Which grid the ball is in?
Mirketa Inc.

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Connect these:

Mirketa Inc.

Answer: Star Wars!

Salesforce biggest Innovation – 2022 – GENIE!

Contributor: Sachin

Salesforce has detailed what it describes as the “biggest innovation” to come to its CRM and sales enablement platform in the last two decades. The new addition, Salesforce Genie, is a service designed to unify customer data that is typically siloed in different channels and applications into a single multi-use profile.

At Dreamforce 2022, Salesforce explained the objective is to help customers enable a personalized experience for their clients, informed by the most complete and up-to-date set of information on previous interactions.

Mirketa Inc.

Mirketa Inc.

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Cinnamons, Black pepper, cloves, nutmegs and couple more
• They increase body temperature
• In India

It is _ _ _ A _ _ A _ _ _ A (2 words)

Answer to Previous Question

Which grid the ball is in?
Mirketa Inc.

Answer: G2!

Salesforce Flows – 30 Features Introduced in Winter ’23 Release

Contributor: Ramya

Flows is the present and future of Automation in Salesforce and continues to take more and more Centre stage. Every Salesforce release contains tens of enhancements to Flows. In Winter ’23 Release of Salesforce, we could find about 30 enhancements related to Salesforce Flows.

And here is our top pick from these enhancements:

1. Test One, Two, Three, Flow (Generally Available)
2. Select Multiple Records from a Table in a Flow Screen (Beta)
3. Use Record-Triggered Flows to Update Related Records
4. Use In and Not In Operators in Flows to Find Related Records
5. Launch Screen Flows With Lightning Web Components
6. Control Flow Screen Visibility Based on Record Field Values
7. Filter Your Picklists By Record Type in Flow Screens
8. Select Multiple Records in the Lookup Flow Screen Component
9. Block New Workflow Rule Creation

Test your IQ

Whose pic is blurred in this?
Mirketa Inc.

Answer to Previous Question

Cinnamons, Black pepper, cloves, nutmegs and couple more
• They increase body temperature
• In India

It is _ _ _ A _ _ A _ _ _ A (2 words)

Answer: Garam Masala

Advanced ‘Change Owner’ Configuration Now Available In Flow and Apex

Contributor: Jothilaxmi

This new ChangeOwner action provides advanced automation control over how related objects get handled when a records owner is changed.

Flow already makes short work of changing the owner of a record; a single Update Record is all it takes. But elsewhere in Salesforce, there’s support for more sophisticated ownership change control. For example, when you change the owner of a Case or an Opportunity, you get an additional choices and two related changes:

Change Owner in Style is a Flow Action that gives you the full power of all of those Salesforce “Owner Change Options”. One of the best ways to see what you can do is to run the test flow that comes packaged with the action. Here’s the main screen:

Mirketa Inc.

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Fill the ‘????’

Physics -> Sweden
Physiology -> Sweden
Chemistry -> Sweden
Literature -> Sweden
Medicine -> Sweden
Peace -> ????

Answer to Previous Question

Whose pic is blurred in this?

Mirketa Inc.

Answer: Rajeev (Founder, Mirketa)